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ISSUE 6, 2020 • 33

          Change a Life, Consider Femoral Head Donation

                    id you know that at the        What does the process
                    time of hip replacement        entail?
                    surgery you can choose to
          Ddonate the femoral head                 At the time of the hip replacement
          to the tissue bank, instead of having    surgery, you will be requested to consider
          it discarded as medical waste!           donating your femoral head to the tissue
           Any patient undergoing hip replacement   bank. Should you agree, you will need
          surgery may consent to donating their    to provide your written consent and to
          discarded femoral head to a tissue bank,   answer some health-related questions.
          such as the Centre for Tissue Engineering
          (CTE). At CTE, the femoral head will be   What tests are required
          screened and processed, then prepared    and why?
          to make it suitable for implant into other
          patients.                                  If you consent to donating your femoral
           CTE continuously strives to make tissue   head; blood samples will be procured
          transplantation options more accessible   during your hip replacement surgery and
          to the South African medical fraternity,   sent for laboratory screening. Approval
          due to the dire shortage in all disciplines   is granted once blood test results have
          of tissue for human transplantation.     been passed. All donors are screened
                                                   for transmittable disease such as HIV,    Ball section of the hip joint.
          How does this help?                      Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C.              The femoral head is removed in theatre. Rather   Hip replacement completed.
                                                                                                                                       After removal of the femoral head, a prosthesis
                                                     Screening ensures a product that is
          Donated bone tissue is used to help      disease free and safe for application,    than being discarded, the patient may choose   is fi tted for normal functioning of the hip.
                                                                                             to donate it to the tissue bank.
          patients undergoing spinal or orthopaedic   complying with international standards.
          surgery, to fill a bone void, or to act as a   CTE will not run any of the tests without
          reconstructive graft in adults and children   your free and informed consent, and all
          alike.                                   test results remain confidential.         The Centre for Tissue Engineering (CTE) is a multi-discipline human tissue bank with
                                                                                             the Tshwane University of Technology, as authorized by the Department of Health,
          Why the femoral head?                    What are the criteria?                    in terms of Regulations R182 of RG No. 9699 of 02 March 2012, to source, process
                                                                                             and supply human tissue for implant, transplant and therapeutic purposes.
          Generally, the damaged or diseased       Anyone older than 16 years of age may     Authorisation number J1/2/4/6TB-001052014.
          femoral head removed during the hip      donate.
          replacement surgery is discarded as
          ‘medical waste’ and incinerated. However,   Can I change my mind
          although the cartilage of the femoral head
          may be damaged, there typically remains   about donating?
          healthy cancellous tissue beneath the    You may withdraw your consent at any
          damaged bone, once cleaned.              time, up until the time that the bone is
          The cost involved                          If you have any concerns about the

                                                   donation process, simply notify the Tissue              Innovation in Living Donation. Changing Lives.
          All costs for the donation or the testing   Coordinator:
          of the blood specimen are borne by the   Sister Lia Jorge: 012 349 3500 /
          tissue bank.                                                                                     Having a hip replacement?
                                                   078 845 0424.
                                                                                                                   Wouldn’t you like to make a difference?
                                                                                                                By simply choosing to donate rather than incinerate,
                                                                                                             you can help give someone else an improved quality of life.
                                                                Pelvis                                                Never heard of ‘living donation’?
                                                                                                   Did you know that you can choose whether to donate your discarded femoral head to
                                                                                                           the tissue bank, at the time of your hip replacement procedure?
                                                                                                         Using a special process to remove the damaged bone and expose the
                                                                                                            beautiful white porous bone beneath, the tissue bank prepares
                                                                                                         the donated bone to make it suitable for implant into another patient.
                                                                Femoral head                                                How does this help?
                                                                                                    Your donated bone tissue can be utilised in spinal OR orthopaedic surgery to fill a
                                                                                                        bone void, or to act as a reconstructive graft for both children and adults.

                                                                                                                           The process is simple:
                                                                                                               Speak to your surgeon to indicate your wish to donate.

                                                                                                                            There are no costs:
                                                                                                               Donating costs you nothing, but you could be helping
                                                               Femur                                            someone else return to living a full and pain-free life.
                                                                                                                              For more info:
                                                                                                                      please contact our Tissue Coordinator:
                    Hip and leg bone.                                                                                     Sr. Lia Jorge:  078 845 0424
                                                                                                                            Office:  012 349 3500

                                                                                                         The Centre for Tissue Engineering is authorized by the Department of Health,
           For more information on femoral head donation and on becoming an organ                          in terms of Regulations R182 of RG No. 9699 of 02 March 2012, to source,
           and tissue donor, please visit our website:                        process and supply human tissue for implant, transplant and therapeutic purposes.
                                                                                                             For more information on femoral head donation and on becoming
           Tollfree number: 0800 847783 (tissue)                                                          an organ & tissue donor, please visit our website:
                                                                                                                     Authorisation number J1/2/4/6TB-001052014.
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