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Kindness goes bone deep. Your hip replacement can also help

          someone else

                                                                       Julie Purkis
                                                                Public Relations Liaison
                                                             Centre for Tissue Engineering
                                                          Tshwane University of Technology

                  id you know, that at the time of hip replacement surgery,  in spinal and orthopaedic surgery to fill a bone void or act as a
                  patients can choose to donate the femoral head to the  reconstructive graft in adults and children alike.
                  tissue bank, instead of having it discarded as medical
                  waste!  In  South  Africa,  both  the  Centre  for  Tissue  What does the process entail?
                  Engineering  (CTE)  and  Vitanova,  are  authorised  At the time of hip replacement surgery, the patient will be ap-
          human tissue banks, facilitating tissue donation to the benefit of  proached to consider donating the femoral head to the tissue
          patients in need.                                  bank, and needs to provide written consent. The patient will be
                                                             required to answer some health-related questions. This reduces
          The CTE is a not-for-profit tissue bank, authorised by the Nation- the risk of possible bacterial, viral and other disease transmis-
          al Department of Health under Chapter 8 of the National Health  sions in line with standard tissue bank protocol.
          Act 61 of 2003. The centre is managed by Tshwane University of
          Technology, (TUT) under the Faculty of Science and is ISO 9001  Once the patient agrees to donate the femoral head, a blood
          accredited.                                        sample  is  procured  during  the  hip  replacement  surgery  for
                                                             screening tests, and the femoral head itself is set aside for col-
          Vitanova – which means “new life” –  was established to alleviate  lection by the tissue bank. Once the donor serum results and
          the enormous need for donated tissue in South Africa. As a tissue  bone  specimen  have  passed  quality  control  checks,  it  is  pro-
          bank, Vitanova is dedicated to increasing the awareness of tissue  cessed into a product to be used in patient treatment.
          donation and the number of registered tissue and organ donors,
          through  public  education.  Through  cutting-edge  technology,  a  What is the criteria?
          state-of-the-art facility in the Western Cape and local and interna- Anyone from the age of 16 years, undergoing a total hip replace-
          tional tissue-engineering expertise, Vitanova impacts the lives of  ment may choose to donate. Minors will required to cosign the
          patients requiring tissue transplantation and implantation.  consent with their legal guardian/s.

          Both  tissue  banks  endeavour  to  make  tissue  transplantation  What tests are required and why?
          options more accessible to the South African medical fraternity  All donors are screened for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
          due to the dire shortage in all disciplines of tissue for human  This ensures a product that is disease free and safe for appli-
          transplantation.                                   cation, in compliance with international standards. The tissue
                                                             banks will not run any of the tests without the donor’s free and
          What is a hip replacement?                         informed consent. All test results remain confidential.
          A hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the diseased
          or fractured section of the hip joint is removed and replaced  All costs related to the donation and the testing of the blood
          with a metal or ceramic joint called a prosthesis. This medical  specimens is borne by the relevant tissue bank.
          intervention  affords  patients  improved  mobility  and  a  better
          quality of life. A hip replacement may be necessary due to di- For any concerns about the donation process, simply notify the
          verse diseases (e.g. osteo-arthritis) or trauma (e.g. accidental  tissue coordinator within the respective area. We thank you in
          fracture).                                         advance for choosing to make a difference. Please share the
                                                             positive news with others.
          Why the femoral head?
          The femoral head is the ball section of the hip joint, and once  For more information please visit:
          removed during surgery is usually discarded as medical waste  Centre for Tissue Engineering (All in-land provinces)
          for incineration. Although the cartilage of the femoral head may   Website:
          be damaged, there typically remains healthy cancellous tissue   Toll free: 0800 847 783 (tissue)
          once processed.                                    E-mail:
                                                             Tissue Coordinator: Sister Lia Jorge 0788450424
          What is femoral head donation?                     Vitanova (All coastal provinces)
          Any  patient  undergoing  a  hip  replacement  may  consent  to   Website:
          donate  their  femoral  head  to  a  tissue  bank.  Donated  femo-  Toll free: 087 068 8000
          ral heads are screened and processed to expose the beautiful  Email:
          white porous bone, to be prepared for a new application for use  Recovery & Awareness Manager: Sandra Venter 0823253448

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