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PRESS RELEASE                Organ Donor Foundation
                   DATE:                        30 July 2018
                   SUBJECT:                     ALMOST 80% OF SOUTH AFRICANS WILL ACCEPT A LIFE
                                                SAVING ORGAN, BUT SADLY 80% WILL NOT DONATE
                                                The need for organs and tissue is becoming a national
                                                tragedy.  Increasingly  people  are  turned  away  at
                                                government hospitals.

                   It’s time to wake up and acknowledge that organ and tissue donation is not someone
                   else’s problem and it’s not someone else’s duty – IT AFFECTS US ALL. It is ignorant to
                   believe that misfortune only happens to others. You probably do know someone living
                   with diabetes or high blood pressure. You probably know someone living with heart

                   Did you know that there are thousands of children and adults who die while waiting
                   for  liver  and  kidney  transplants  and  thousands  of  babies  and  children  who  suffer
                   terrible burn injuries in shack fires?

                   Organ and tissue donation really does affect us all and it is not a solution reserved
                   exclusively  for  the  elite.  Thousands  of  South  Africans  suffer  from  chronic  kidney
                   failure.  Thousands  never  receive  a  life-saving  transplant  and  cannot  be  helped  at
                   Government Hospitals due to a lack of dialysis facilities; these people are sent home
                   to die.

                   Yet  another  alarming  fact  -  millions  of  people  live  in  marginalised  and  vulnerable
                   communities and never hear about organ and tissue donation through the standard
                   media.  Since  they  don’t  have  sufficient  information,  they  are  unable  to  make  a
                   decision on what they think or feel about organ and tissue donation. People will not
                   say YES to organ and tissue donation if they don’t know what it is that they are saying
                   YES to. Even worse, these are often the people who are the most affected when in
                   need of a life-saving transplant.

                   We all know it is our duty to help each other whenever we can. We know that the
                   ancestors say we must say yes and the elders agree. Sadly, the majority of people have
                   some information about transplantation, but they do not know enough to say YES.

                   The ULUNTU Project was launched to address this need for information. The ULUNTU
                   Project aims to educate people to make an informed decision towards organ and
                   tissue donation.

                   We are proud South Africans! Our strength is within each other. We are of a common
                   mind and it should not be difficult to say YES.
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