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SPINNEKOP 2018 - endorsed by the Organ

                      Donor Foundation of South Africa

                                                                                        Julie Purkis
                                                                                Public Relations Assistant
                                                                             Centre for Tissue Engineering
                                                                           Tshwane University of Technology

                                                             Why Spinnekop?
                                                             Organ  donation  is  made  possible  by  heroes  –  people  who
                                                             voluntarily  decide  to  donate  their  organs  and  tissue  for
                                                             transplantation.  Eric  believes  that  anybody  can  make  a
                                                             difference.  The Spiderman costume is simply a metaphor or
                                                             symbol that anyone can be a hero and leave a lasting legacy
                                                             through donation. Recent statistics reveal that less than 0.2 % of
                                                             South Africans are organ donors.

                                                             “We (I) will run for the Organ Donor Foundation of South Africa,
                                                             and my mission is to be a hero. We aim to educate people on
                                                             how easy it is to become an organ and tissue donor. Our thinking
                                                             is to take video-footage using GoPros daily and then post a short
                                                             clip of what we’ve experienced at the end of each day. This will
                                                             include interesting inserts of the terrain, i.e. desert scenery, wild
                                                             horses  close  to  extinction,  ad-hoc  street  interviews  along  the
                                                             route and footage of the journey’s highs and lows. These video
                ric Kevin Nefdt is an Estate Agent, family man, aspiring  updates will be shared publicly to
                adventurer and proud organ donor. Better known as  Facebook  including  community
                Spinnekop  (Afrikaans  term  for  Spiderman),  Eric  pages  along  the  route,  and  will
                completed the 2017 Comrades Marathon (wearing his  be supplemented with local ODF
                Spidey  suit)  to  draw  attention  to  Heart  Kids  South  street interviews and transplant
          Africa. This, after training for more than a year in rush hour  recipients.” said Nefdt.
          traffic  while  wearing  the  superhero  costume.  His  aim  back
          then was to create awareness around congenital heart disease   Before Comrades:
          and to raise funds for a little girl named Elisa (at that time only   •  h t t p : / / h o me t i mes.
          3  years  old)  who  had  sustained  various  surgery-related
          complications following 4 successive open-heart surgeries.      sp i d erma n -sp o t t ed -
          During August 2018, Eric (together with a small support crew)
                              will  attempt  to  run  from  Pretoria  to   After Comrades:
                              Lüderitz, a harbour town in Southern   •
                              Namibia, to create awareness around   comrades-dressed-as-spider-man/
                              organ  and  tissue  donation.  The
        THE REAl POWER lIES INSIdE yOu                       •
                              1,500km  marathon-a-day  adventure   eie-spiderman-draf-binnekort-tot-in-luderitz/
                              will be broken into some 42-50 days.
                              Eric has made application to Guinness   In the build up and preparation Eric is delivering talks at schools
                              World Records and plans to set the   and  campuses,  sharing  his  “Make  A  Difference”  message.  To
                              record for the furthest marathon run   support his campaign, there will be a challenge and a link to
                              in a superhero costume. The Organ   the ODF registration page. Think ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, but
                             Donor  Foundation  of  SA,  (ODF)  in   with greater appeal (more fun and less ice). Eric, together with
          collaboration  with  Centre  for  Tissue  Engineering  (CTE)  has   friends,  donor  recipients  and  ‘celebrities’  will  promote  organ
          officially  endorsed  this  event  and  is  including  the  Spinnekop   donor awareness and more donor registrations.
          Project  amongst  its  Organ  Donor  Awareness  campaigns  for

                                                            8                         Vol 17  No 2  Issue 61 - August 2018
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