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8/7/2018                                         Scarcity in skin donors can cost lives

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                                                      TUT NEWS

                                          TUT ( / News and Press (/news-and-press/news) / Article

        Scarcity in skin donors can cost lives

        02 August 2018

        At the start of Organ and Tissue donor month, the country faces a serious shortage of skin to treat burn victims.
        In  a  drive  to  create  public  awareness  about  the  importance  of  Organ  and  Tissue  donation,  especially  skin
        donation, the Tshwane University of Technology’s Centre for Tissue Engineering (CTE), in collaboration with the
        organ Donor Foundation (ODF) and National Press Club, hosted a media brie ng on 1 August.

                                                                              Cleo Ndhlovu, CTE Manager, cited  gures
                                                                              by  Statistic  SA  according  to  which  many
                                                                              people  die  while  on  an  organ  donor

                                                                              waiting  list.  On  average,  110  people  are
                                                                              added  to  an  organ  donor  waiting  list
                                                                              every day, while 21 people die daily while
                                                                              waiting for an organ.

                                                                              Since  the  inception  of  the  skin  banking
                                                                              activities  of  the  Tshwane  University  of
                                                                              Technology’s   Centre    for   Tissue
                                                                              Engineering  (CTE)  in  2016,  many  lives
                                                                              have  been  saved  through  the  use  of

                                                                              donor skin. The world average of deaths
                                                                              due to burns is 5 in 100 000; however, in
                                                                              South  Africa  that  number  is  8.5  in  100
        “Spinnekop” Eric Kevin Nefdt, Jooste Vermeulen, Director of Communication
        at ODF and Cleo Ndhlovu, CTE Manager, addressing members of the media.  000.  While  1.6  million  South  Africans
                                                                              su er  burn  wounds  a  year,  268  severe
        cases are reported every month.

        Jooste Vermeulen, Director of Communication at the Organ Donor Foundation (ODF), added that thousands of South
        African’s  are  currently  waiting  for  a  life-saving  organ  transplants.  ”It  is  worrying  that  one  percent  of  the  country’s
        population is registered to be organ donors,” he said.

        The Organ Donor Foundation (ODF) partnered with the CTE in developing and launching the ULUNTU project, aimed at
        educating learners, sta  at clinics and hospitals as well as other relevant organisations about the need for organ and
        tissue donation.
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